Technically, any person who decides they are going to start an IT business can do it. Unlike so many other professions, calling yourself an IT professional does not require a license or a certificate or even passing a test. It is not surprising, therefore, that so many businesses end up disappointed after trying to work with so many different IT companies. Being “good with computers” is a start, but it is not the whole story.

QualityIP, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, with offices nationwide, exceeds expectations where IT Managed Service Providers are concerned. They are able to do this for four primary reasons:

  • The company structure of QualityIP
  • QualityIP’s process
  • QualityIP’s multidisciplinary expertise

The Company Structure of QualityIP

For a QualityIP IT professional, one of the highest compliments is, “That’s my guy.” What does that mean? When a business begins to work with QualityIP, they have the support of the entire company, but there is one account manager or virtual CIO/CISO who handles all requests from the client. This person is the face of QualityIP’s IT consulting services. They are the ones CEOs and CFOs have on speed dial. What makes the company structure of QualityIP unique and particularly beneficial for client relationships is that this account manager has an entire team of experts supporting him or her. In effect, there may be two or three departments working on a company’s IT infrastructure, but all of the communication is on the shoulders of the account manager. The CEO and other managers on the client side do not have to spend time coordinating or managing. In this way, QualityIP gives clients all the benefits of a full team with none of the hassle. 

The QualityIP Process | Finding An IT Managed Services Provider

The QualityIP process is also a key differentiator. Many companies will step in and fix one single problem. Then when another problem arises, they will start all over and just fix that problem. It is extremely reactive, and working in this way can also be very expensive. 

QualityIP believes in true IT managed services. To that end, a reactive approach does not fit with the company’s mission, because if you are just reacting to issues you are not really managing anything. It’s more like damage control. QualityIP bases client relationships on a foundation of proactivity. QualityIP is able to do this because they begin with a comprehensive audit of new clients’ IT infrastructure. This audit incorporates a review of everything. QualityIP will look at the computers being used, how often the software on them is updated, and how secure they are. In a medical environment QualityIP’s audit will also include information about whether computers need to be repositioned to avoid HIPAA violations. The audit will go through passwords the business uses to make sure they are strong and changed often. Software will be examined to make sure the business is maximizing the capability of what they have. 

IT managed services provider

After reviewing everything thoroughly, QualityIP will provide the client with what is called the IT Roadmap. This is essentially a strategic plan to strengthen all facets of the company’s IT existence. In this document, QualityIP will outline proposed hardware, software, and networking changes, protocol/process updates, and everything else that will help plug the holes discovered during the auditing process. The IT Roadmap is based on a recurring contract month by month with the client, and it often includes accessibility to the QualityIP HelpDesk for all employees, not just the c-suite. 

By creating a full plan based on weaknesses uncovered in the audit, QualityIP is able to 

to take proactive measures to help prevent potential problems. There are also no surprises in this kind of relationship. If a new need arises QualityIP will discuss any potential expenditures with the company. Nothing is done without permission.  

QualityIP’s Multidisciplinary Expertise

As a IT managed services provider, QualityIP needs to be ready to address anything. That is why they have departments dedicated to VOiP, Cloud, Security, and more. They even have a procurement team that will assist with ordering, setting shipping dates, and unloading deliveries. The heart of the QualityIP business is the HelpDesk. Monitored 24/7/365, the HelpDesk is the funnel through which most clients enter. They stay because when someone contacts the QualityIP HelpDesk, they are greeted by a human. Moreover, QualityIP’s HelpDesk specialists are just that, specialists. They are able to help right away with the many of the issues sent their way. In over twenty years of business, QualityIP has seen it all, and they have the expertise to prove it. If your company is in need of a IT managed services provider,  QualityIP is the best you will find, no matter where in the country you are. Contact QualityIP today to learn more.

IT managed Services provider