What Is a B2B SEO Company?

B2B search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing technique that aims to improve the visibility of B2B website pages in search engines such as Google and Bing. Unlike B2C SEO, B2B SEO focuses on keywords that important professionals within firms look for while at work.


Is a B2B SEO Company different from B2C SEO? In a way.

When it comes to Google’s real ranking variables, B2C SEO is identical to B2B SEO. In other words, there is no such thing as a “B2B algorithm,” or any additional procedures that B2B sites must take in order to rank in Google. Furthermore, the same SEO recommended practices that apply to B2C apply to B2B.  Yet, in reality, B2B SEO is extremely different.

In business-to-business marketing, your target market isn’t usually a large demographic category (such as “new parents” or “those who want to lose weight”). Instead, you normally target a limited set of firm decision-makers. These might be marketing executives. CEOs, for example. Small firms seeking new accounting software, for example. This is a significant difference when it comes to SEO.

B2C sites often target keywords that thousands of people search for each month. You may choose a term that receives 50 searches each month. Or perhaps even as low as 10. Furthermore, your content marketing will almost always be very different from that of B2C. If you’re in B2C, posting videos on TikTok might be a smart move.

But what about a B2B site selling HVAC systems? Social media is probably not a good idea. You should instead concentrate your digital marketing efforts on blogging and email marketing. Hitting on keywords that will bring attention to your product.

Choosing Bottom of the Funnel Keywords

It’s time to figure out how people search for what you sell using your company’s brand. In other words, these are bottom-of-the-funnel terms. To summarize, marketing funnels are a graphic representation of the client’s journey.

For B2B marketing, people prefer to utilize a simplified version of this funnel. This funnel has two sections: the top of the funnel and the bottom of the funnel. This process is all about locating bottom-of-the-funnel keywords. In other terms, keywords that individuals look for when they are ready (or almost ready) to buy.

For instance, let’s say you have a course for sale on SEO, called SEO That Works. And “SEO training” is one of our bottom-of-the-funnel keywords. With that in mind, here’s how to locate B2B bottom of the funnel keywords for this hypothetical course.

1. The Seed Keywords Engineb2b seo company

What keywords do your potential customers use to locate your product or service? You could probably spend your time guessing. Or alternatively, you may utilize the free Seed Keywords Engine tool.

To put it to use, design a scenario for someone to look for. Essentially, you’re asking someone to look for what you’re selling. If you run with the Seed Keywords Engine tool, you’ll get a list of terms and phrases that people use while searching for your product or service on Google. Many of these search keywords are likely to surprise you.

2. Google Autocomplete

This is a straightforward method for locating long-tail keywords. All you have to do is begin typing a search keyword into Google. Then just have a look at the autocomplete suggestions. Simple enough.

3. Competitor Keyword Analysis

In this step, you’ll utilize an SEO tool to compile a list of terms that a competitor site already ranks for in the SERPs. This method’s main benefit is being FAST.

When entering a rivals’ name into SEMrush, you’ll quickly receive a list of over 212k keywords. And the whole thing takes approximately 10 seconds. One thing to keep in mind with bottom-of-the-funnel terms: they don’t get a lot of search volume.

According to SEMrush’s Keyword Overview tool, “SEO training” receives 4.4k searches per month. In contrast, a top-of-funnel phrase in an industry receives far more than that. So, certainly, the phrases at the bottom of the funnel should have SOME search traffic. But it’s not necessary to put too much emphasis on search volume.

Instead, you should concentrate solely on CPC. Why? CPC is the amount of money that people are bidding on in Google Ads for that specific search keyword. And, of course, the higher the CPC, the more valuable the traffic. In general, higher CPCs indicate that genuine purchasers are searching for that keyword. So, whenever you come across a keyword that describes what you sell, use it. AND has a high cost-per-click (CPC). It’s important to consider pursuing that keyword. Even if such a word isn’t frequently searched for.