Fiber Optic Sensor Physical Security Systems Distributed

Fiber Optic Sensor Physical Security Systems DistributedWhy are fiber optic sensor physical security systems distributed the best approach to intrusion prevention? In comparison with coax cables and other more traditional sensor systems, fiber optic cable sensors offer numerous advantages that make them particularly ideal for the stringent requirements of surveillance systems. Here are some of the advantages fiber optic sensors offer over more traditional sensor systems.


Traditional coax cables are only accurate over short distances. Fiber optic sensors are accurate over 25 km, which is a significant advantage when talking about preventing perimeter intrusion in particular.

Uninterrupted Fiber Optic Intrusion Detection System

fiber optic intrusion detection systemTraditional security systems can be interrupted by electromagnetic interference, lightning, or power outages. Imagine getting an alert that your entire security system is handicapped temporarily! With fiber optic intrusion detection systems, this is never a concern. Fiber optic sensors do not get impacted by any of the factors mentioned above, so you can rely on them to continually monitor nonstop.

Rapid Response Time

Fiber-optic intrusion sensor systems not only monitor nonstop but they also respond in no more than 1.5 seconds to an event. Whether you are using these sensors for intrusion detection or to protect travelers in a rapid transit environment, this quick response time is integral to optimal performance.

You Can’t Bypass A Fiber Optic Security System

Because fiber optic sensors are buried in the ground, they are very sensitive to any motion that is detected. It is not possible to bypass the sensors without them detecting the motion.

Simplified Logistics and Installation

fiber-optic intrusion sensor systemIf you do not have fiber optic sensors at present, do not worry. Existing fiber infrastructures can be used to connect a network of platforms, and then multiple platforms can connect to another network that is multiplexed over a single optical fiber wire. There is not a need to redo everything. Instead, you can build on the foundation you already have.
In terms of accuracy, ease-of-use, cost, and rapid response times, fiber optic sensors are the best choice when adding to or building an intrusion prevention system. Your best resource for fiber optic sensors is FiberStrike® by Cleveland Electric Labs. FiberStrike® manufactures the highest quality fiber optic sensors in the industry. An offshoot of Cleveland Electric Labs, which has been in business since 2004. Cleveland Electric Labs has been committed to accuracy and precision for almost twenty years, and that dedication has been carried through the FiberStrike® mission as well.

If you are looking for the best fiber optic sensors for the best possible fiber optic detection system, contact FiberStrike® today and let them know what you have in mind.