Rotational Molders: How to Pick the Right Company for Your Project
Choosing Rotational Molders When looking at rotational molders in deciding what company you want to mold the plastic parts for your project, it comes down to many criteria. We will look at these criteria and examine them to help you get the most desirable outcome. 1. Source rotational molders by geographic location First off, you Continue Reading »

Rotomolding: A Comparison of Rotomolding to Other Processes
Rotomolding compared to Blow Molding and Twin Sheet Vacuum Form Molding Rotomolding as a process is typically thought of as a means of creating large hollow parts. Anything from gas tanks for lawnmowers to playground slides to 1000 gal storage tanks. It’s a great molding process, but how does it stack up to other Continue Reading »

How to Choose a Type of Rotational Mold and Rotational Mold Maker
Choosing a Type of Rotational Mold and Rotational Mold Maker With some in in rotational molding, the choosing of the type of rotational mold and who to make it is a routine task. “When I need a mold, I go to XYZ and get a cast mold. That’s what I do and that’s the only Continue Reading »